Friday, April 06, 2007 |
Nurse nurse~~~ |
Wa damn irritating lor my pt... Keep shouting nurse nurse....
Scenerio 1 When Bathing her Pca: Where u now?? Pt: I'm at my son home Mi: ????
Scenerio 2 When doing smu for next bed pt Pt: NURSE NURSE~~ I very hot open the fan!!! Mi: okie switch on for her Next min going back to do smu Pt: Nurse nurse~~ Very cold!!!! Mi: U wait i just switch on for u only why u like tat??? Pt: Sorry sorry nurse... i dunno so cold
Scenerio 3 Pt: Nurse nurse~~ can i go back to my room?? Mi: U already on ur bed!!! Pt: NO no nurse i wan tat room.. pointing to the bed infront of her Mi: okie u wait long long ar.. Pt: keep quite and wait... The min i turn and walk out shout again!!! hai...
When we are so irritated by her Whenever she call nurse when she saw us standing at counter we just walk away.. lol.... And whenever she call for water we gave her H2O and put one grape inside her mouth. She'll be quite for awhile and start her nurse nurse~~~ again...
Actually it's nice to nurse mental pts as u can tok kok wif them.. lol... but this pt is terrible la.. can't stand her.... she simply want u to stay there wif her and tok to her... where got time??? I'm not nusring u only lor...
Another irritating pt's sister.. Come only shout at me pt's sis: Why she never eat breakfast?? Mi: She refused to eat any way she drank her milk. pt's sis: Why u never feed her? Mi: wtf!!!! dun u understand she refused!!!! (face turn black) lol.. dun care u not payin class pt pt's sis: Then wat?!!?? No drip ar?? never eat then u all not giving her anything??? Mi: Well the doc did order drip but she refused!!! Pt's sis: oh she refused. Then u all not doing anything??? I dun care and just walk off and tell this to da jie let her settle simply i cant tahan anymore.... Yes i'm F so wat... I dun care!!!! No wander the other ward so eagle to transfer even in the nite.. cos pt's sis is damn F and the doctor damn irritating too... Come and shout shout early in the morning.... So wat!!! tmd...
Bloody suckers oso another one irritating us.. Going aro wif book and checking staff for break... Do things half way wan us go break some more must on time!!! Fuck man!!!! Wat a fucking rule!!!!
Enough of all these shits!!!!!!!!! .....................................................................................................................................................................
Today after work went out wif ah gal!!! and guess wat we break our records... Took cab wif ah jie and she drop us down at city hall then ah gal remember wrong place so took train to orchard went there clinic is close on ph... Then we walk to bugis then damn pack lor.. nvm walk walk first... Then walk back to city hall.. go hmv then dun hve her cd so heeren has it Noe wat we walk to heeren... lol... walk alot lor... More then 1000 steps that u should walk per day.... Then tok craps alot as usual.. lol.... we buy nothing but drinks.. lol... cos dehydrate liao.. haha..
Since i got my license till now i haven't drive yet.... Mummy and sis asking me to drive ah gu car on sunday... but... i'm afraid bang his car la.. He's so ex de some more quite new too... Confused now.. dunno how... haha.... Wa long post ar... lol...
2300hrs |
posted by ~Dreamy Adeline~ @ Friday, April 06, 2007  |
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Name:Adeline Aka Ah Mei ~Dreamy Adeline~
Home: singapore, Singapore
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