Monday, March 26, 2007 |
CODE BLUE!!! This happen on the saturday afternoon and it's my last 2 days at A side offically!!! I was in rm 10-12 and my Tl are neela and ah gal!! And it's a "wanderfull" afternoon.. It's time for us to go for break. Neela and nirmala went for break as usual Ah gal and me went to change this 12/3 diaper and nerissa was busy wif her single room. When we are done changing diaper we had to walk past this rm 10. And he maid of 10/1 came out and told us his sir vomit blood. So we quickly wash our hands and rush over.. Wat we saw a OMG!!! u guys will faint when u saw these.. i tell u if it's last time when i'm new I SURE FAINT!!![They might need to resuse me b4 gg to pt as pt is BSC]
We were like looking at each other in shock!!! We are like asking each other wat to do!! So we decide to press code blue and i rush to central to get the E trolly and ask jacq to come over and help. And ah gal call the MO and HO at the same time.
So we gown ourself up and wear gloves x2 as pt is heb B +ve lor and mask up. Went over it was bloody all over.. Large lump of blood and blood clots...
Pt went Asystolic so we waiting to print the strip but in the end pt heart beat is back so set plug and run fast drip. No one tot of doig suction for him... Ah gal and i tot of it went the pt is gone... shit right...
After all these we had to do last office and this is the worest i've done and impact alot on me!! I cant sleep tat very night
When doing last office 4 of us are doing and it's damn blooody... And after all these Shit is already 7pluse and we had not eat!!!! Lucky we order pizza man.. if not willl go home hungry again..
Reach home settle down wanna go sleep but when i close my eyes images of those start to apper So aro 3plus to 4 when i was about to sleep i dream of these water machine gun shooting at me WT... So i was awake again and i just lie on my bed to rest my back...... If not sure backache as i'm doing morning shift... Lie till 430 go shower, eat and prepare to go work again...
Sunday morning was a peacfull one... 6 staffs wao really relax.....
After work rush back home get ready to meet tat zhu! So took 106 down to orchard wanna sleep but in the end images again appear and when wanna fall asleep going to reach liao.. Again argh...
Lucky yesterday nite i manage to sleep although my nose block again.. Now here writting and i'm going out soon.... Meeting this ah gal.... And i still need to settle my BILLS..... And one more bill is coming lor....
K la going to prepare liao bye friends... tml i'll be in central offically le ppl say it's good life have time to go break but looking at the staff there some are really terrible to work wif leh....
Wish me luck ya vinish @ 1320 |
posted by ~Dreamy Adeline~ @ Monday, March 26, 2007  |
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Name:Adeline Aka Ah Mei ~Dreamy Adeline~
Home: singapore, Singapore
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