Tuesday, March 20, 2007 |
3rd day of am shift.. tired!!! |
Today is my 3rd day of morning shift and finally gets a break tml afternoon shift..
Today so irritated to work... This Sn tl of mine... hai.. can't stand her.... 1230 Shouting at me to give her all my charts, as she wanna update her report... Aiyo i haven't even write a single thing in the charts lor how she wanna update... but why the other tl dun need leh???
And the worest is paestering me to give fleet resoudium.. Well this can wait wat? if it's so bloody urgent why dun u give it urself??? If didn't give it right away pt oso won't colapse right away wat!!!
Hai enough of all these bloody shit!!!!
Tell u something funny.. hehe.
one: Auntie: Saturday the plane going off then which day is it? Me: huh?? oh saturday lor.
two: Aunite: crying... my nephew gone bad.. over there at singapore won't take drugs. Now over here he take drugs.
Auntie: He no use la.. the goverment bring him back still dun noe how to stop all these... haiya "cake xim" la.
Me:???????? more ????? okie aunite i'll tok to him okie???
Aunite: okie okie.. good good...
Me: okie auntie now u sleep okie??
Aunite: keep quite liao and cover herself wif blankets..
It's nicew to nurse confused patient at times.. but sometimes u'll can't stand them.. cos they will keep shouting like this pt of mine... haha... from far can hear her shouting...
yesterday slept so early.. but today oso still feels very sleepy lor.... |
posted by ~Dreamy Adeline~ @ Tuesday, March 20, 2007  |
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Name:Adeline Aka Ah Mei ~Dreamy Adeline~
Home: singapore, Singapore
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