Monday, October 02, 2006 |
Hai... Just now on the way home there's a urge to blog and a lot to say but now dun noe what to write. I'm just sick and tired of working!!!! Why is it tat work also so so stressful??? Maybe next yr in c class will be much better cos pt will not be like paying class demand so so so so much.... There will be lesser things to do like serving of tea break and ordering of diet... But think of it the chances of seeing bitches are damn high compared to now. That means it will shorten my life span. Oh suck man!!!!!
I'm wondering why are we working so hard sometimes when NO ONE appreciate it!!! Not even a thank you. But not all pt are like tat anyway but those who say thanks to u oso not MUCH!!!! But after all these hard work u still need to see ur supervisor face, pt's face and sometimes when u are busy those irritating auditors came barking at u to counter sign wif them controlled drugs, lock this and that. What the fucking use of locking all the cupboards when the door has a padlock??? It's so damn irritating when u need something u gotta find the staff who is holding the keys to open up and take whatever shit u want. And it's VERY irritating for that staff to open and wait for u to take all the shit stuff when she's damn busy!!!!
And I hate going after ppl just to ask for keys to take things!!! IF I'm the sister I just told my staff well the padlock is just for show. I'll deactivate it so tat u guys can just open the door as usually. I'll activate it when the stupid auditors come. Cos locking the doors is damn irritating cos every time there will ppl came asking u the passwords. They are the medical students, clearners, students... Etc. It's so so irritating when u are busy u still gotta tell them the passwords.. It was like one day u can repeat for god noes how many times....
In the past ppl ask me why chose nursing? I noe how to reply them but now when pt's relative ask me why chose nursing? I'll just silent for a while and give them a cold smile cos my answer had changed. If I could turn back the time I dun think I'll chose nursing again!!!!! NEVER IN MY LIFE TIME!!!
In the future if I got a chance to stop work I will. At home do house work oso not bad as I dun have to see those irritating ppl face and i won't be so moody...
Every now and then I'm saying I wanna transfer out or resign but when will tat day come??
Sunday on my way home I got irritated by these two Malay gals.. Why can't they just listen to their own music when they had headset. why must the use big speaker and the whole train is their irritating music?? They wanna suffer why must we suffer along wif them?? Can't they just leave us alone??? And further more their music sucks....
Well if u guys are reading just dun irritate me that's all otherwise I'm harmless..... BUT if u irritate me... I dun noe what I'll do to U.... I'll do whatever tat came to my mind that's all... Any way u just gotta hide the knife and scissors away from me that' s all..... |
posted by ~Dreamy Adeline~ @ Monday, October 02, 2006  |
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Name:Adeline Aka Ah Mei ~Dreamy Adeline~
Home: singapore, Singapore
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