Wednesday, September 20, 2006 |
hee... Hey ppls so long not here? Am I?? Hahahaha... Yup these few days I'm on the high side. Y? cos I had 3 days off together and had enjoy myself. Shall I update wat I did in the past few days???
Sat went to robin's chalet, his 21st bdae celebration, went wif zhu and we stay over nite.
Next day (Sunday), reach home sleep till 3pm and went out wif family went to hill top and had a great dinner. U guys wondering where's the hell is hill top? haha.. It's at the top of a hill haha (just a joke) it's just above Jurong bird park... We ate their teppan yaki!!!! That's our favorite and we only ate that before. Anyway they has Teppan Yaki, Japanese, Western and Indonesian.
Monday I'm off too went bbdc for my evaluation and I Failed!!!! damm shit need only 2% more and I'll pass which is only 1 question wrong!!!!Shit lor!!!! yah after these went orchard wif zhu and wei fen!!!! Walk from far east plaza to plaza singapuare...And we ate sushi for dinner!!! Oh yah Zhu brought me a bag!!!!!!
Yesterday morning shift wao that was the best morning I ever did lor got 8 staff!! what do u think?? There's 3 tls, 2 juniors(en),1 ssn who is on training leave(8-4pm) do over all, 1 pca 8-430pm and 3 students nurse. And the most interesting is 2nd half so many students, I think all the students is in 2nd half lor so unfair!!!! But okie la i finish all my bathing for patient finish at 10am and went for break lor. 4 staffs went for break together and this sister was so shock and ask how come A side 4 staff come break together?
Today morning wa busy lor only 1 student. And the worst part is afternoon got 6 staffs and studentssS lor... Afternoon dun need sooo manyyyy staffss lor. There's no sponging and procedure lor...
Yea tml off again and i'm going for my evaluation again hope to passssss!!!!!
I'm wondering: - why guys dun understand gals and vs? - Why can't we ppl have the same thinking? - why in a long run, sum relationship will fade? - why dream's don't come true? If dream come true it will not called dreams -WHY WHY WHY, THERE'S SO MANY WHY!!!!! |
posted by ~Dreamy Adeline~ @ Wednesday, September 20, 2006  |
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Name:Adeline Aka Ah Mei ~Dreamy Adeline~
Home: singapore, Singapore
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