Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Dreaming in the process....
Dreaming in the process yet gets irritated by irritating human being's!!!

This morning I was still in the dreamy mood but I'm awake and this irritating "friend" of mine keeps irritating me in the end I was black out!!! cos dun noe wat to day dream abt when he irritate me.... PLS dun talk or rather irritate me when u saw my name as dreaming in the process in MSN unless u have the consent to do so if not just shut up ur irritating mouth!!!! u can't shut up I'll help u zip it up!!!!! [FOC]

Well yesterday after work when bugis meet up darling and hani, hani so long never saw her still the same. she left us damm early saying she's tired... we was like okie fine!!! So in the end wei fen and i walk aimlessly till zhu reach and we walk and walk till suntec then went MS and esplanade roof top sit there chat and chat and chat till 10+ and we went home.....

Today should be off sister call me back to do one more nite fine i dun mind cos at home oso nothing to do except noon time went for driving lessons. Wao today the instructor very good let me try the test 1 route and i was so comfortable learning under him the rest i usually damm damm nervous and drive nervously!!!
Aiyo time pass so fast one more hr i need to go work liao!!!!
Think should stop here and go eat some more before zhu online and we chat...
Think next update will be after my nights shift...
Tonight wil be alright cos is wif neela tml OMG!!!! Da jie!!!!!! HAHAHAHA..........
posted by ~Dreamy Adeline~ @ Wednesday, September 06, 2006  
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Name:Adeline Aka Ah Mei ~Dreamy Adeline~
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