Saturday, September 02, 2006
Meaningless saturday!!!!!

Wat a meaningless saturday staying at home!!!! Today morning shift not tat bad got one deployed over to our side where cabin has enough staff so 3 junior not tat bad la......
After work went home of cos. 1st time after so long saturday staying at home alone doing nothing much. Downloading stuff, watching shows, listening to songs maybe later read story book lor wat else to do??!!!?? But not bad la at least alone at home no one disturb me, irritate me!!!! At least some one i hate is not at home so this is something i'm happy about!!!!!!
Hai... Has been staring into the space, i dun noe what i'm seems to be wondering or rather dreaming about....
There's once when i'm on break i was just sitting on the sofa and looks into the empty space when my friend is asking me questions... i dun noe what am i doing or thinking???!!!???
Finally last day of morning shift after 3 mornings so so so so tired!!!!
one more morning shift is on the tue and it's the last for this roster hahaha..... then i'm on nite but.... no good kaki!!!! No AH GAL!!!!! :(
argh.... got to save money!!!!! going to broke soon!!!!! i must earn my targeted amount by end of this year!!!!
posted by ~Dreamy Adeline~ @ Saturday, September 02, 2006  
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