Friday, September 22, 2006
I happen to read a blog that's what it wrote

What a man shd do

A man shd do these things to show their love to their love ones:

1) Bring her out if u wan her to b happy

2) Bring her out to eat if u wan her to have a wonderful dinner

3) Say "I'M THINKING OF U" to let her feel tat she's always on ur mind no matter wat

4) Say "I MISS U" to let her feel tat she's being loved

5) Say "I LOVE U" to make her feel tat u can't live without her

6) Hug her so tat she'll have a sense of security

7) Kiss her & she'll feel tat she's being loved

8) Pay for her every little expenses when she's out wif u to show tat u wan to takecare of her for the rest of her life

9) Always fetch her from work & send her home when she's out wif her friends to show her how important is her safety to u

10) Ask her to message u her whereabouts so tat she thinks tat u care for her

11) Make her smile everytime when she's down & unhappy, showing tat u show care & concern for her

12) Haf a listening ear whenever she needs someone out there for her to share her sorrows.

13) Call her & chat wif her every nite b4 sleeping to let her miss u even in her dreams

I dun think all man can do as wat the abv listed...
But I'm sure if u can do it ur gf will love u even more..

That's what she wrote but below are my points of view

I'm wondering are all those important????

Some guys can just simply do it but who knows what he does behind ur back????

Here my points of view:

1) Why must bring her out to be happy??? just pei her when u have the time!!

2) why must have wonderful dinner outside??? I would prefer home cooked food!!!! cos i miss home cooked food!!! hehe....

3,4,5) Why all these words have to keep saying??? Said it once in awhile will do what!!! Say it when she wants u to say it lor!!!

6 and 7 no comments

8) Why must he pay for ur every little expenses??? When u are not even his wife yet!!!

9) Why must fetch??? Got no legs to go home urself ar?? Even if he fetch but he don't have the xing yi oso no use!!!!

10) Why must msg??? Phone bills dun need money to pay ar!!!

11,12,no comments

13) Why must chat everynite??? what if working nite shift??!!!???

What ever i saw in tat blog i dun agree wif tat person!!! I think i rather find it some how irritating. Idun noe!!!!
Some times i'm thinking of romantic relationship but even if it's romantic but dun have the feels what for!!!??!!!
Aiya I dun noe la it's so complicated!!!!! It's difficult to have 2 person living together.
Once u've found the right one for u better grab it fast and cherish him/ her before him/ her leave u!!!
Stays true to each other is very important!!!
Never make used of each other!!!

Night shift starts tonight.... wif DA JIE!!!!!!! haha..... She's not that bad anyway......

2006 will be ending in a few more months and i'm looking forward to yr 2007~!!!!
As every thing will change!!!!

okie got to go!!!! going to read my story book and go to sleep haha.... anyway i slept till 12nn then now going to sleep agian haha..... yes some one going to call me zhu if he knows abt it.
But i dun care!!!!
posted by ~Dreamy Adeline~ @ Friday, September 22, 2006  
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