Friday, June 16, 2006
Wao i'm so amused tat teenagers now adays are so talented... anywhere also can display their "arts"..
i went to the ladies at west mall on one of the level when i was urinating i saw "nice arts" or "nice tattoos" on the cubicle walls.. Those ppl who done the master piece simply just used markers and write on it. well when i was doing my own things i kpo a bit and read some of the "arts pieces". Some just simlpy declare their love their.. oh my god, u wanna declare ur love tell it straight at the face at tat person la.. like tat write there how will those guys noes??? maybe their other partners are gals ops.... i'm gg off track le.. okie back to topic of wat i've done today..

today before going to driving center went westmall and see wf 1st. she's working than after tat went to the library and i realize tat so long i've not visited the library nor borrow books le.. so today borrowed three book [one story bk, two bks related to my job] after borrowing these three bks went to find wf ask her for help wanted to put the bks at her place cos very heavy la.. i never like to carry heavy bags..
After tat went for my driving and realize i'm so bad at it. my skills has drop.... :(
after driving went back to westmall and realize so long never go westmall le but still nothing to see abt, saw so many ppl than suddenly had a headache... so went to look for wf and take back my bks and went to MOS burger and had my dinner. And i spent almost one hr there.. why so long simply is because i got nothing to do so slowly eat my dinner and read the books tat i've just borrowed lor..
Than went home after bath call tat zhu, in the end he told me he wanted to talk to his bunk mate.... i tot can talk longer or hang up early so i can sleep early.. hai never mind la..

Think in a relationship, u have to give in and not always the one taking.. Realize tat in a relationship u have ups and downs, have to understand each other, and many more.... i think staying together is more difficult...

ARRR realize 24hrs a day is not enough for me.. still got so many things not yet done.... and one rest day is not enough for me, not yet rest enough?
posted by ~Dreamy Adeline~ @ Friday, June 16, 2006  
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