Friday, April 27, 2007 |
Seow Polly |
For memories of Seow Polly
27.12.1938 -23.04.2007
Died at the age of 69yrs old.
Place of death: SGH wd 48 rm 5
Time of departured: 1250hrs
Polly was once my pt's and she's the only pt tat make me go beyond the extend of attending pt's wake.
She was a nice pt... And everyone noes tat she's my fav. But i dunno why i went till tat far.
When she's for d/c tat day i wanna pay a visit to her house on the 19.4.07 but who noes before i could visit her, she's back agian few days after d/c seems to be worest....
Tumor has spead to her brain (if i'm not wrong) she went for brain RT. She has once fight against the ca cells cos of her son mark.. she's once in a coma, and throwing fits. And she gets well and fit for d/c in weeks time...
During her last admission, she was then transfer from 11/4 to rm 5 due to MRSA Urine....
I went to work early one day and feed her lunch on saturday 21.4.07 and tat was my last time feeding her.
On the 22.4.07 i was morning shift and i went to visit her in the afternoon aro 250-3. Tat was my last time seeing her alive... she was sleeping so i just stand there quietly looking at her and she was awake and grab my hands tight... i felt so touched.... And i dunno wat's she mumberling abt.... And she's very chesty... this is one of the s/s of going off... Before i went off i told her monday (23rd) nite i will visit her again before starting work and she smile at me... But polly u didn't wait of me till monday nite.... I noe u had a difficult days... I noe u rtied hard....
But at least polly, u didn't suffer in pain... And at least u died peacfully w/o any pain.... There's no i/v or s/c morphine infusion for u... Which mark dun wish u to go through this...
At this time of point i think ur ashes has reach taipei... Together wif ur husband...
Polly hope u re doing well in the neither world and reunite wif ur beloved husband
Bye polly~~ |
posted by ~Dreamy Adeline~ @ Friday, April 27, 2007  |
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Name:Adeline Aka Ah Mei ~Dreamy Adeline~
Home: singapore, Singapore
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