Monday, November 06, 2006 |
Never Judge A person By The looks!!!!
They might look friendly and might give u advice's to u but who noes they are the one who will backstab u. I've learnt a lesson from this even though how close they are to you, never ever trust them unless they are ur best friends...
How u noe whether they are ur true best friends?? while, this will need ur own judgment and ur sixth sense...
At the mean time u can have lots of friends, but who noes at the same time all those friends of urs can be ur enermy too... Scary?? Yah it is... Sad to see this??? I dun understand why ppl are trying to harm their own kind.... so what's the use of having humans being in this world? when everyone is born just to kill each other? What's the use of living????
My theory of living around in this pitiful world!!!
- Eat to the fullest, enjoy all kind of food. ( sound like I'm a pig)
- Play to the fullest, enjoy while u can... ( so tat u won't regret for not playing)
- SLEEP!!! To the fullest, sleeping can help to relive stress (have to sleep as u will have energy to fight the war the next day!!!!)
- Travel while u can, go round the world so u'll noe the different cultures of the world's ( i love to travel)
- Not to work so serious, (unless it's ur own company) Even u are not working seriously u still got ur pay right? No one will appreciate it when u r working hard and going off duty late in the hell, ppl will think tat u are not effective enough to work!
- Try every means to earn as much money as u can. ( In this world no money means no talk)SEE MONEY IS SO DAMN IMPORTANT!!!!
- Cherish ur love ones and true friends before it's too late.. (U'll never noe what will happen to u the next moment)
- Live to the fullest of every day... Stay cheerful no matter what happens??!!!??? Can everyone do that?? i dun noe but for me I'll try to do it
Great ways to stay cheerful... - Forgive and Forget [it's important, use it for ur true friends and love ones]--I've been using it. - Dun think of unhappy happenings. - can't think of any, brain cells are dead!!!
While think Forgive and Forget is really very very important!!! I might not be able to do it sometimes but I'm trying very hard to do it... But.... Yes there's but... But for me not everything or person can be forgive nor forget...
Two days off for me wahahha enjoying myself...Today nua at home.. Sleep till 11am hahaha
Good luck... Cherish everyone u love ba friends... |
posted by ~Dreamy Adeline~ @ Monday, November 06, 2006  |
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Name:Adeline Aka Ah Mei ~Dreamy Adeline~
Home: singapore, Singapore
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