Monday, October 09, 2006 |
Selamat is a new word i learn it means thank u (tagalog language)
I wanted to to update my blog days ago but no time la....
Friday morning shift only 10 pts in the end 4 discharge so left wif 6 pts. hee room 9 empty till today!!!! first time lor... Night time went to out wif dear and his friends play candles... so late liao never update blog lor.
Then sat i'm off. we went to watch movie "world trade center" rating okie la.... Then went to vivo city wao very big!!!! After tat he sent me home.. Then sleepy so never update lor
Today (sunday) only have 6 pts wa hahaha.... my luck is here... always when there's less patient in the other half de now it's my turn to enjoy!!! I'm so fuss up when i help my friend do admission wa lau... this pt came in then ask the daughters question they dun noe one lor and all three give me different answer!!! :x they didn't even noe does their mum has any dentures be it upper or lower!!! oh my god!!! so in the end i just simply anyhow do lor wat to do when u have differents answer....
yeah!!!!!!! tml i'm off again........ but going bbdc at 6pm... if i noe i'm off i'll book early de so can go out after tat.... hai.. never mind la can save $$$$$$$ wa hahaha....Think i'm gg to sleep soon....
aiya wanna upload pic in friendster... think do 1st b4 i sleep if not tml lazy to do then god noes when i'm gotta do it.. |
posted by ~Dreamy Adeline~ @ Monday, October 09, 2006  |
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Name:Adeline Aka Ah Mei ~Dreamy Adeline~
Home: singapore, Singapore
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