Monday, November 27, 2006 |
Little story abt me!!!
I had been living in this world for 20 years, 4 months and 8 days!!! Yup I think so..-_- What I've done for the past few years? Did I achieve what I want? Not really all!!! I've neglated my studies during pr 5 and went to EM3!!! Play too much during pri days. But I dun think it's the end of it.
I continue to study hard and pass my PSLE and went to secondary school, and from there on in the technical stream, done well for all my subjects. Always fight for top 5 in the stream and i did it. Pass my GCE'N' LEVEL well but I think I can do better but I'm happy wif it after all.
During secondary times I've live to the fullest of life, play and studies at the same time. Able to handle both well. Weekdays stay at home K books, but still feels happy as the times spent in school is wonderful. Hang around in school with friends around and during some lessons there's always fun and laughter in the classroom....
After my secondary I went to ITE and study nursing! Is it what I want in the first place? Nope it's not but in the end I love it.
During ITE times it's the worst of my school times there no great friends around but I still manage to pull through 2 yrs in the course.
And I did well? I think still can do better bah. But anyway can pass I already very happy liao cos those two years I've study till siao... Bio bio bio.... Never study before but pass after all!!! Not bad.. Beside tat still have behavioral science, psy, Patient care A and B...
Now in the work force... Stress during work time ( depending who u work wif and depends on the situation of the ward and work load) haha...
And I hope next yr my application is approve to continue my studies.... Diploma in nursing!!!! And I'll become a SN.
Back to my life. Nothing much happen... Still traveling at the end of each yr only last yr didn't travel as I can't get my Al.. So didn't manage to go Taiwan. And next yr I won't be able to travel a whole family cos can't get Al slot in December!!! But who noes maybe I go study then can liao lor. But I hope I can travel round the world before I die.
And most of all thanks to my dearest dear who has walk into my life and been there to support me. Hope u can support me till the end...
Special thanks to: - Ah gal!!! Best kaki of all!!! :) be my preceptor one day! I'll request for U..
- Wei fen for all the support u gave from p6 to now haha tat's long yeah
Tat's abt all bah... haha... I'm looking forward to the gathering.... |
posted by ~Dreamy Adeline~ @ Monday, November 27, 2006  |
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Name:Adeline Aka Ah Mei ~Dreamy Adeline~
Home: singapore, Singapore
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