Friday, June 01, 2007 |
sleepy~~ |
I'm so tired.....
Today my straight 3rd morning...
Today deployed mi over to B2 station... after so long agian nursing males pt's.... Nothing good happen one, ganna touched!!!!! tmd... and i told the uncle off.... Never went for my 1st break so tot lunch break i could go at 1130. BUT things always happen and i didn't manage to go... so hungry till no tummy dun feel a damn liao... Thanks sister chow fo showing concern... Finds tat she had changed alot... lol... Asking me to go break but i told her i cant haven't finish my things and i'm not settle at all... so till pass report to the pm staff she gave me chocolate to tahan awhile... haha...
Today i was so pissed off!!! deploy me over to B2 but only my room dun have student lor... lucky pui how came and help me do one sponging so i still greatfull to her.... she has been helping me alot... Things has changed!!! She used to stare at me and seldom will help me out de but now she even offered me food and she ever gave me chocolate!!! haha.. Does my face tells ppl tat i love chocolate??? cos everyone gave me food will be chocolate de... haha..
Back to topic* I'm fine with it that i did sponging ALONE!!! BUT when i press call bell for help e.g. lift pt up or turn.. only my tl came... when she's busy then i press no ones will come liao... So suay today work wif 2 other juniors tat never help me some more both are SN!!!!! OMG!!! Maz even help me change diaper.. thanks lots.... They finish sponging around 10 and they finish their para round before 12pm.... luckly i'm in A side before so i'm used to it... I finish sponging at 11 plus and start my para only at 1140.. in between i still need to send pt to OGD... BUT i still manage to finish my charts before 1315... and the pm junior check her charts before offical time lor... haha.. i still can finish on time... lol....
After sponging.. my back is aching and my knee cap is sl. pain too...
2pm went for in service talk by ag nc... we will told that it will finish at 1530 BUT 1430 ended liao.. so went down and buy waffle to eat... hungry can't tahan le and i need a break!!!!
So waited for Ria to finish her stuff.... but in the end wait till 4pm she haven't came down so saw kali and she send mi and peggy home..
Some of the things Ria can pass over de.. but the one receiveing from her is a bitch la... Pt is gg home in the evening time and she can call bone scan dep to check wif them the appt. And to obtain methylane blue solution she can do it lor.. since pm shift is always quite free and some more she has i/v nurse she dun have to give i/v AT ALL!!!!! She see ppl bully de as some ppl told me.. And i can tell it too... LUCKY SHE'S NOT MY TL!!!!! HENG!!!!! :) Thanks god she's not if not i wont wanna go over lor.... And dun thin that i'm good to bully... If i dun like u at all dun expect me to help u wif a single thing!!!!! UNLESS i'm in a great mood...
After my dinner seat at sofa awaiting stupid bro to be back as he got no keys then fall asleep... haha... then lucky my sis came back aro 7pm then told her everything and i headed to my bed and sleep till 9pm and dun feel like waking up at all.... And wake up not long.. sleepy and hungry again..... So now here blogging and receiving movies from sis.... lol.... and waiting for dear to be online.... Whole body feels so weak... dunno why...
My roster sucks!!!!! i gotta work for 9 days then got off.. Today only the third day and i'm feeling sick liao... How to survive? in this ward? with it's eventfull event daily???? but most of the staff are great friends..
Hate to start all over again knowing ppl again if to trandsfer to other ward.... can some one tel me wat to do???
how i dreams that i'll be rich suddenly and i dun have to work for a short while will do... i dun ask for more...
oh ya just now had a stupid dream.... i think i'm in s'pore and it's drowny... everyone is escaping... and dunno wat happen we had to swim or rather half swim and walk form shopping center to the other.. wahahaha....
k la i'm bored!!! if before i finish transfering files he's not online yet then i'll go sleep liao.. anyway we meeting tml.... to watch movies at home hehe...
cya guys... nites... sweet sweet dreams... 2306hrs |
posted by ~Dreamy Adeline~ @ Friday, June 01, 2007  |
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Name:Adeline Aka Ah Mei ~Dreamy Adeline~
Home: singapore, Singapore
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