Wednesday, May 23, 2007 |
Sleep talk |
Sleep talk
Any one had sleep talk before??? Well i had it last nite and it's the 2nd time in my life i know of.. Past few yrs i sleep talk and my mum happen to heard it and was asking mi if i was talking on the phone in the end she found out i was sleeping..
yesterday have few dreams and sleep talks too.. How i noe i was sleep talking cos when i was half awake i heard myself toking.. haha..
And i was really nonsense i was saying Dear how can u like tat?? U can't leave mi... this is the first time... Second time i can't remember... The third one oso cant recall now.... oh third one was like how come dear dear havent call mi yet????
Few seconds apart of each talk i fall asleep... Now i'm not worried about sleep talk as i'm having the room of my own.. but in the future if i will to sleep talk again, and if i say out seceret then die la.... the one sleeping beside mi will noes abt it liao lor.... haha....
Then 9 plus i was awake and msg dear and tell him the sleep talk things he say i imagine too much le... tink too much liao... haha.. After calling him and tell him i fall asleep again.... now i feel tired dun noe why my back is aching just now.. now better liao...
Today will be my first nite... hope will be a peacfull one.. hehe.. great khaki A side is ah jie, michelle jie and tat siao char bo.. neela.. lol....
my side will be qing fu and shirley..
B side wil be peggy and 3 others dunno who la... 1554hrs |
posted by ~Dreamy Adeline~ @ Wednesday, May 23, 2007  |
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Name:Adeline Aka Ah Mei ~Dreamy Adeline~
Home: singapore, Singapore
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