Friday, February 23, 2007 |
6 Ways to Say SORRY To A Women
Get ready To Take NOte Of The Points Guys!!!!
1. Just Say It Go ahead and spit it out. Say "sorry" and sounds like you really are. It drives girls crazy(as in hopping mad) whenever guys take an eternity to admit that they are wrong and apologise. And it's such a magical words too.
It's all in the delivery: Bring on those puppy dog eyes and that remorse-stricken visage. If you are a bad actor, just imagine how you feel if you've been slapped with a like ban from playing games; not a farfetched possibility pronto
Good for dating crimes like: Cancelling dinner again at the last minute because of work. Calling her brother a cheapskate. Or not putting down the toilet seat cover after she's reminded you for the million times.
2. Clown Around Scientists have shown that laughter reduces stress because of neuro-chemical changes in your body. Apologise by making a joke out of your crime or yourself and always have a bag full of great funny one-liners ready. If all else fails; tickle her.
It's all in the delievery: Remember you are the butt of this joke. Not her, not her catty best friend and certainly not her mother. Making any of them the butt of your joke would surely necessitate an apology far, far greater then being the clown.
Good for dating crime like: Non-stop whining about missing out on the soccer game while dining out with her best friend. Accidentally letting slip the word "FAT" when she ask your opinion on her outfit for the evening. Or making fun of her fat, stupid dog.
3. Flower Power Nothing says "I'm sorry" more gracefully and delicately than sending flowers to her office. The flower power trip should do the trick even if your woman told you on the first date that she thinks flowers are a waste of money, watch her blush and glow with joy and not to forget, forgiveness, when the delivery guy hand her a bouquet.
It's all in the delievery: Leave that to the delivery guy. But do pen a simple heartfelt apology note to go with her favourite flowers. One more thing: Find out what she likes before she even gets angry with you. And remember it for chrissakes!!!
Good for dating crimes like: Forgetting your first year anniversary.
4. Play the Chief To carry off this apology successfully you'll need to do some homework. The point here is to show her how much you appreciate her, so much so that you sit through the long hours of the cooking show. Then use the knowledge to cook up a storm in the kitchen for a candle light dinner at home.
In the delivery: Surprise her, and then pamper her.
Good for the dating crime like: Making her late for an important morning meeting all because of you didn'tset the alarm clock the night before; taking her for granted by expecting her to clean up after you or cooking dinners all through the week while you play couch potato.
5. Plan The Ultimate Date The ultimate date usually comprises three parts. Pre-dinner cocktails, luxe dinner proper and an after-dinner concert. Or some plan just as grand. Use your imagination. Be as creative and romantic as possible.
It's all in the delivery: Plan ahead to avoid more screws ups. Think hitch-free, seamless flow of enjoyment.
Good for dating crimes like: Lying to her about hanging out with the boys when you are actually catching up with your EX. OR other lies (including the white ones) like pretending you're sick to get out of her family dinner gigs and buying her a fake Prada without declaring it.
6. Buy her Forgiveness Only the big names count here. "The gift" apology usually means: Man, this time you've really done it. When it comes to the Gift, the colour of the box matter. Namely - orange, red and baby blue. Guys, take note we are talking about Hermes, Cartier and Tiffany's here. The sight of the colour-coded boxes should make her swoon and consider forgiving you. Yes consider. What's actually inside the gift box will help egg for her into forgiveness. So ask yourself: Just how sorry are you?
It's all in the delivery: Let the box do the talking.
Good for dating crimes like: Calling out wrong names in the bed; flirting with her best friend, or worest, with her mother.
These 6 ways to say sorry are taken from my paper.
Interesting isn't?
But for me like: -Lying to me about hanging out with the boys when he is actually catching up with he's EX.
-Calling out wrong names in the bed; flirting with my best friend.
These two point are never to be forgive no matter what the gift is!!! I wont forgive even he brought me a 2 carat diamond!!!! haha...
So my dearest zhu u better becareful!!! wahahaha.. |
posted by ~Dreamy Adeline~ @ Friday, February 23, 2007  |
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Name:Adeline Aka Ah Mei ~Dreamy Adeline~
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