Monday, February 19, 2007 |
I'm.............. Rot at home till evening time then go ah ma hse and aro 7 30 left tat place and went ecp and nothing gd happen! Fuck u make me feel so............
There's no good bye words from ur mouth, no kiss good bye i dun mind not having a kiss good bye but at least say good bye to me la even u are angry wif me la... Making me feel so.... There's no wave good bye even!!!! A long long journey home and i was like waiting for my phone to ring but a damn stupid ring oso dun have. U didn't even msg me throughout the journey home. And i was like... Listening to my ipod till i'm not listening just playing it for the sick of playing and stareing out in the blank like dun noe wat.
Why is it tat every time i wanna have a good ending of the day i wont get it???? I HATE IT, HATE IT HATE IT!!!!!!
1st day of the yr (chinese calander) is already a ......... day liao..... hai
How i avoid a quarrel or unhappiness no matter how it will still happen!!! SHIT!!! CAN SOMEONE TELL ME WAT TO DO!!!!!
Hai Why ppl always says tat 2 persone are together there's bond to be quarrle, fights!!! Simply cos ppl mind sets are damn different and u will never get a person wif a same mind set or same thinking wif u!!!
I dun noe how my future is like... it's seems to be blurred and far and unreachable It's different from last year My eyes are puffy now from the crying just now my tears glands are too too active Almost out of breath from the crying...
Yup some thing strange happen when i'm at clementi awaiting for bus as i need to change bus So as i was waiting for bus 106. There's this guy i dun noe who, waving to me!!! Lucky he's in the bus and i'm at the bus stop!!! but previously we are on the same bus!!! but only when reach clementi station then saw him de. haha He was wearing a red cap and specs and i dun think is my friend ba!!! Think of it quite scary... waving and smile at me!!!
0108 hrs |
posted by ~Dreamy Adeline~ @ Monday, February 19, 2007  |
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Name:Adeline Aka Ah Mei ~Dreamy Adeline~
Home: singapore, Singapore
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