Saturday, September 30, 2006
Missing the past???
Missing the past???

Well, do I pass the past???
yes sometimes....
But what I have now is what I dun have in the past tat is my zhu zhu....
In the past if Saturday I'm not working, I'll be sleeping till late in the morning and then start to clean up my room and everything and I'll take my own sweet time!!!
And aro 5 plus, me, bro, sis, mum and ocbc will went out together and eat after tat will went to shop and sometime after shop will go Mac sit there till late and went home..
Sometimes we will feel sian cos nothing much to do.
Now no more liao sat I'll be out wif zhu then sis will be either working or out wif friends,
bro will wanna stay at home play his maple game!!! MAPLE!!! Nice meh????
seems boring to me...

Well why in a relationship there's always quarrel??
Even how u prevent it, it will still happens.
WHY is it so?? But which relationship has no quarrels????
Sure there is even thought how lovely they are....

Today do spring cleaning wao damn tired but worth it cos got money ma hahahahaha.......
After tat went to meet zhu liao then went home early, he stays at my hse for aro an hr then went home lor..


Today eat KFC then my stomach starts to make me feel like throwing out.
This is not the first time tat happens.
And it's always KFC tat makes me like tat... :(
Think my stomach really can't take oily food...

Yup in few months times 2007 will be here and I'm looking forward to it!!!!! YUPPIE!!!!
Why, cos there will be a new me!!!!

I'll wish to go back to school!!!! STUDY STUDY STUDY!!!!
But hor... 2 yrs never study liao dun noe still can study ma leh...

Aiyo tml gotta work and my next off is next sat lor... Hai 6 more days before my next off...
Some more so many morning shift leh.. Never mind lor after work go home sleep lor... Wao like tat hor can sleep many many hrs leh wahahah....
posted by ~Dreamy Adeline~ @ Saturday, September 30, 2006   0 comments
Friday, September 22, 2006
I happen to read a blog that's what it wrote

What a man shd do

A man shd do these things to show their love to their love ones:

1) Bring her out if u wan her to b happy

2) Bring her out to eat if u wan her to have a wonderful dinner

3) Say "I'M THINKING OF U" to let her feel tat she's always on ur mind no matter wat

4) Say "I MISS U" to let her feel tat she's being loved

5) Say "I LOVE U" to make her feel tat u can't live without her

6) Hug her so tat she'll have a sense of security

7) Kiss her & she'll feel tat she's being loved

8) Pay for her every little expenses when she's out wif u to show tat u wan to takecare of her for the rest of her life

9) Always fetch her from work & send her home when she's out wif her friends to show her how important is her safety to u

10) Ask her to message u her whereabouts so tat she thinks tat u care for her

11) Make her smile everytime when she's down & unhappy, showing tat u show care & concern for her

12) Haf a listening ear whenever she needs someone out there for her to share her sorrows.

13) Call her & chat wif her every nite b4 sleeping to let her miss u even in her dreams

I dun think all man can do as wat the abv listed...
But I'm sure if u can do it ur gf will love u even more..

That's what she wrote but below are my points of view

I'm wondering are all those important????

Some guys can just simply do it but who knows what he does behind ur back????

Here my points of view:

1) Why must bring her out to be happy??? just pei her when u have the time!!

2) why must have wonderful dinner outside??? I would prefer home cooked food!!!! cos i miss home cooked food!!! hehe....

3,4,5) Why all these words have to keep saying??? Said it once in awhile will do what!!! Say it when she wants u to say it lor!!!

6 and 7 no comments

8) Why must he pay for ur every little expenses??? When u are not even his wife yet!!!

9) Why must fetch??? Got no legs to go home urself ar?? Even if he fetch but he don't have the xing yi oso no use!!!!

10) Why must msg??? Phone bills dun need money to pay ar!!!

11,12,no comments

13) Why must chat everynite??? what if working nite shift??!!!???

What ever i saw in tat blog i dun agree wif tat person!!! I think i rather find it some how irritating. Idun noe!!!!
Some times i'm thinking of romantic relationship but even if it's romantic but dun have the feels what for!!!??!!!
Aiya I dun noe la it's so complicated!!!!! It's difficult to have 2 person living together.
Once u've found the right one for u better grab it fast and cherish him/ her before him/ her leave u!!!
Stays true to each other is very important!!!
Never make used of each other!!!

Night shift starts tonight.... wif DA JIE!!!!!!! haha..... She's not that bad anyway......

2006 will be ending in a few more months and i'm looking forward to yr 2007~!!!!
As every thing will change!!!!

okie got to go!!!! going to read my story book and go to sleep haha.... anyway i slept till 12nn then now going to sleep agian haha..... yes some one going to call me zhu if he knows abt it.
But i dun care!!!!
posted by ~Dreamy Adeline~ @ Friday, September 22, 2006   0 comments
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
hee... Hey ppls so long not here? Am I?? Hahahaha... Yup these few days I'm on the high side. Y? cos I had 3 days off together and had enjoy myself. Shall I update wat I did in the past few days???

Sat went to robin's chalet, his 21st bdae celebration, went wif zhu and we stay over nite.

Next day (Sunday), reach home sleep till 3pm and went out wif family went to hill top and had a great dinner. U guys wondering where's the hell is hill top?
haha.. It's at the top of a hill haha (just a joke) it's just above Jurong bird park...
We ate their teppan yaki!!!! That's our favorite and we only ate that before.
Anyway they has Teppan Yaki, Japanese, Western and Indonesian.

Monday I'm off too went bbdc for my evaluation and I Failed!!!!
damm shit need only 2% more and I'll pass which is only 1 question wrong!!!!Shit lor!!!!
yah after these went orchard wif zhu and wei fen!!!!
Walk from far east plaza to plaza singapuare...And we ate sushi for dinner!!!
Oh yah Zhu brought me a bag!!!!!!

Yesterday morning shift wao that was the best morning I ever did lor got 8 staff!!
what do u think??
There's 3 tls, 2 juniors(en),1 ssn who is on training leave(8-4pm) do over all, 1 pca 8-430pm and 3 students nurse.
And the most interesting is 2nd half so many students, I think all the students is in 2nd half lor so unfair!!!!
But okie la i finish all my bathing for patient finish at 10am and went for break lor.
4 staffs went for break together and this sister was so shock and ask how come A side 4 staff come break together?

Today morning wa busy lor only 1 student.
And the worst part is afternoon got 6 staffs and studentssS lor...
Afternoon dun need sooo manyyyy staffss lor. There's no sponging and procedure lor...

Yea tml off again and i'm going for my evaluation again hope to passssss!!!!!

I'm wondering:
- why guys dun understand gals and vs?
- Why can't we ppl have the same thinking?
- why in a long run, sum relationship will fade?
- why dream's don't come true?
If dream come true it will not called dreams
posted by ~Dreamy Adeline~ @ Wednesday, September 20, 2006   0 comments
Friday, September 15, 2006
Sick and Tired!!!!
Sick and tired!!!!!

hai i'm sick and tired of everything. Now adays seems to get irritated easily, wondering is all these cos by my stupid job??? once after work was going out of the lift and this two kuku didn't even bother to wait for us to get out of the lift and went in instead of letting us out. Why cant they just wait for less than 1 min???? And because of this i gets irritated and just said out why cant they let us out what's the rush when there's so many lift?

I just simply sick and tired of waiting argh simply everything.......

I gotta save money i need more more more more money cos lots of things to buy/do but at the same time wants to spent money oso hai..... shall i take up another job????

How i wish i have a machine tat prints out money haha
gotta go last day of work before my 3 offs days hahah.... yeah!!!!!!!!!!!
posted by ~Dreamy Adeline~ @ Friday, September 15, 2006   0 comments
Sunday, September 10, 2006

Today is my sleeping day and is the 1st time spent the whole off day fruitfully!!!! Finally my 4 round of nights has finish and has ended smoothly haha....
Today after work went home wash up and went to my friend wedding after tat went orchard and watch movie tittle pulse.... scary!!!!! after movie went for dinner then go home and here i am!!!!! haha dun noe wat to say liao never mind think i end here and go tok to zhu zhu!!!!!
posted by ~Dreamy Adeline~ @ Sunday, September 10, 2006   0 comments
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Dreaming in the process....
Dreaming in the process yet gets irritated by irritating human being's!!!

This morning I was still in the dreamy mood but I'm awake and this irritating "friend" of mine keeps irritating me in the end I was black out!!! cos dun noe wat to day dream abt when he irritate me.... PLS dun talk or rather irritate me when u saw my name as dreaming in the process in MSN unless u have the consent to do so if not just shut up ur irritating mouth!!!! u can't shut up I'll help u zip it up!!!!! [FOC]

Well yesterday after work when bugis meet up darling and hani, hani so long never saw her still the same. she left us damm early saying she's tired... we was like okie fine!!! So in the end wei fen and i walk aimlessly till zhu reach and we walk and walk till suntec then went MS and esplanade roof top sit there chat and chat and chat till 10+ and we went home.....

Today should be off sister call me back to do one more nite fine i dun mind cos at home oso nothing to do except noon time went for driving lessons. Wao today the instructor very good let me try the test 1 route and i was so comfortable learning under him the rest i usually damm damm nervous and drive nervously!!!
Aiyo time pass so fast one more hr i need to go work liao!!!!
Think should stop here and go eat some more before zhu online and we chat...
Think next update will be after my nights shift...
Tonight wil be alright cos is wif neela tml OMG!!!! Da jie!!!!!! HAHAHAHA..........
posted by ~Dreamy Adeline~ @ Wednesday, September 06, 2006   0 comments
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Meaningless saturday!!!!!

Wat a meaningless saturday staying at home!!!! Today morning shift not tat bad got one deployed over to our side where cabin has enough staff so 3 junior not tat bad la......
After work went home of cos. 1st time after so long saturday staying at home alone doing nothing much. Downloading stuff, watching shows, listening to songs maybe later read story book lor wat else to do??!!!?? But not bad la at least alone at home no one disturb me, irritate me!!!! At least some one i hate is not at home so this is something i'm happy about!!!!!!
Hai... Has been staring into the space, i dun noe what i'm seems to be wondering or rather dreaming about....
There's once when i'm on break i was just sitting on the sofa and looks into the empty space when my friend is asking me questions... i dun noe what am i doing or thinking???!!!???
Finally last day of morning shift after 3 mornings so so so so tired!!!!
one more morning shift is on the tue and it's the last for this roster hahaha..... then i'm on nite but.... no good kaki!!!! No AH GAL!!!!! :(
argh.... got to save money!!!!! going to broke soon!!!!! i must earn my targeted amount by end of this year!!!!
posted by ~Dreamy Adeline~ @ Saturday, September 02, 2006   0 comments
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Name:Adeline Aka Ah Mei ~Dreamy Adeline~
Home: singapore, Singapore
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