Saturday, June 23, 2007 |
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Yup it will be a long long post. Either u read it or just ignore it.
FIANLLY tml it's my off days...
Yesterday was damn busy.... Up and Down sending pt to angio for procedure and i was so damn busy. 3pm only took 3 para and the rest my dear long ti took for mi and she's mine other tl. Up down, up down till 5 all ended finally!!! 9 went RT - WHOLE BED 4 went angio - WHOLE BED okie yes i only have 2 pt tat go up and down BUT total of 4 times AND since i'm sending my pt down might as well help first half to fetch back and anyway she's an old lady wif problems walking... BUT at least she can help mi take para right?? she never lor... TAT day siti oso same thing up and down i help her wif her para... Okie never mind cos i noe she wont help de la and i oso dun wish her to help mi... as she herself got problems....
After the whole shift i had backache lor cos all the bed i push was damn HEAVY can!!! Mind u... Think the bed is heavier then mi lor PLUS the pt's are heavy too... So think the bed + pt = double my weight... so imagine me pushing a weight tat is double mine... yes no doubt there's porter pushing together BUT i had to use more strenght as i'm at the front gotta pull and push and the bed is siao one u push straight and it will move to the right so i had to pull and push at the same time....
So tot of taking mc due to the terrible backache. Reach home took D.O.M. and went to bed early.... WAO.... took tat really can sleep well lor..
This morning woke up no backache liao.. lol....
So went to work as usual but... THIS jolene toh took mc and they called back shirely to do am.. She already noe she's having fever then yesterday should call early liao lor at least can get staff back Then A side oso got mc karen mc and neela was pm due to azlinah mc. So s* told mi to go A side and i find tat seriously speaking A side need more staff as A side is busier then central de no matter wat... A side got more things to do like tea-break and asking of menu and tv!!! pt will pester u for remote control even when u r very very busy...
So H* told s* no central must have 5 staff. And the worest thing is H* is really too much. Told S* u am shift u can help wat S* say back u oso am shift u can help too wat... This H* is really too much when she need staff always took from A side and we went over never say anything lor....
Noe why she need 5 staff?? cos she only noe how to talk to pt and irritat the staff.. NOTHING ELSE!!! SERIOUSLY SHE NOES NUTS!!!!!
And i was so pissed off wif this prc students!!!!!!! Let her do admission so many mistakes.... MIGHT AS WELL I DO MYSELF RIGTH!!!! Well at tat time i was busy updating the charts so since she's yr 3 so let her do lor.... Never did i noe....
here are her mistakes:
- condition on arrival She wrote consious but drowsy
wats' wrong if u consious u wont be drowsy.. I asked shirely as she saw the pt she say he look tired BUT IS CONSIOUSE!!! Fine!!! maybe she dunno how to diferent them
- Pt is a walker and she wrote pt had wheelchair of his own!!!! This is a BIG BIG issue... wat for a walker need wheelchair???
- Pt has no pain!!! And she can list 4 site of place and put A , B, C, D in the clinical chart and leave it blank!!!!!!!
- Pt has line and say he got wound!!!!!!!!! ARGHHHHHHHHH......
5 BIG BIG mistake!!!!!!!!!! and it's all damn.......... blood hell........... I had to check through her work and had to ask pt again and transfer everything to new one.......... WASTE MY BLOODY TIME!!!!!!!!!!
And worest of all at this time when i'm mad and angry and busy doing everything again this HONE came and irritate me!!!!! Told mi the disposable room is so messy pls go tidy up!!!!!! F* la... i'm not cleaner la.......... TMD...........
So when top up help A side then stay there chit chat dun wanna see hone...
Yeah tml feel like gg shopping wanna buy jeans leh... haiya i dunno la... Sometimes the pay is just a motivation for us to work and BOUNS of cos.... hehe.....
Ya share wif u guys some cheap skate relatives
Pt relative - pr Mi - Mi
Pr: do u have cotton balls to wet the lips Mi: ya we have I pass to her one pkt and noe wat she ask mi pr: Do u guys charge this??? Mi: No of cos not pr: then can i have another pkt?? Mi: wat the hell.. i dun intend to give her another pkt.. Still have 2 pkt in the drawer i go back to her told her this is the last one. pr: oh okie
Mi:::: wandering if i will to tell u yes we do charge u will give me back tat pkt right?? wat the hell.... pls la... Really too much lor....
I should have charge her...
long ya this post..
Tat's all folks... hehe.... the rest not going to write... Going to play game soon... haha....
Nite folks.. 2353hrs |
posted by ~Dreamy Adeline~ @ Saturday, June 23, 2007  |
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Name:Adeline Aka Ah Mei ~Dreamy Adeline~
Home: singapore, Singapore
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