Thursday, January 04, 2007 |
yup i've had a plan for the next 5 yrs! If i'm able to get back to study then i'll study for 3 yrs after tat work for 2 yrs then the next yr will be getting married wahahaha...
Tat will be 2012 oh no by then i'll be 26yrs can not can not!!!! Tat's too old... dun wannnnnn!!!! Think aro 24 get married? or 25? or... 23??? think 23 too soon, dear just finish army ba.. so shit this word again!! he'll get mad..
If 23 then tat will be 2 more years?? Dun wannnn!!!!! Think 24 safer??? Aiya i dun noe la... Headache~~~ Thinkin of all these.... But all these gotta plan if not later all mess up Arghhhhh forget this topic~~~
Today is my special day wahahaha can not tell leh :P wahahha Today went for moive then eat then go home wahahaha K i dun wanna say anymore got better things to do!!! |
posted by ~Dreamy Adeline~ @ Thursday, January 04, 2007  |
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Name:Adeline Aka Ah Mei ~Dreamy Adeline~
Home: singapore, Singapore
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