All of us are q-ing for the tram!!!

Well, though yesterday was raining heavily but we still completed our excursion to night safari!
was raining heavily and we were in the tram going round the NS..... when the rain are gone... we had our own walk round the NS....
although the floor is wet wif rains, we still had fun and walking around looking at the cuties animals....
can't take pics of the animals as it's too dark and no flash is allowed!!!
But still is alright... as it's so different from the zoo...
well night safari gave u a closer looks at the animals...
really it's very close to u....
saw clouded leopard and they are just a gap ( glass panel) in between us... really close lor....
Saw my tiger!!!! dunno why i loved looking at tigers!!! lol.....
yesterday had no more bus home then i gotta walk home... legs so tired lor... dunno how many steps i've walk yesterday lor....
next event coming up will be next friday!!!
my make over.... excited too... hahahahhah....
after work going to rush over some more dunno how to go sure took cab from eunos ba.... lol....
then later going to shop for cloths for dear! cos the make over doesn't provide his outfit! they only provide one gown! so unfair!!! haha....
tml going back to work morning shift!!! lol.. think alot of staff ba... haha....
good life now working... so i wont take big M... trying la huh... but so tempting.... haha....
* treasure every moment wif loved ones while we can*